Na CristBet, dedicamo-nos a criar laços fortes e duradouros com os nossos clientes e orgulhamo-nos do profissionalismo dos nossos intérpretes.
Já é habitual sermos felicitados pelo trabalho de interpretação em conferências internacionais e é com orgulho que partilhamos mais dois testemunhos sobre a Conferência WATEFCon 2018 com o tema “Futuro da Água na Europa”, promovida pela Universidade de Bath, na Universidade de Aveiro:
Thank you for the excellent translation service.
Dr. Kemi Adeyeye, University of Bath
I just want to say a sincere thank you to you and your team for arranging the simultaneous translation and recording of our event in Aveiro last week.
I can confirm that we have received the films and audio recordings of the translations and the original films of the event, and thank you so much for your prompt delivery of these items.
Please pass on our sincere thanks to all of the team who helped on the day for their professionalism and their support.
I would like to say a particular thank you to the technical team who worked so patiently with us during an unforeseen problem with the internet connection on the day.
Eleanor Eaton
Project Co-ordinator: The Water Efficiency (WATEF) Network
University of Bath